Sunday, May 5, 2013

Letter from Besty Walker - December 17, 1925

         The following is a letter from Betsy written in, my best estimate, 1925. It's tricky to read because Betsy is not a good speller nor does she use periods. It's really a guess as to where sentences end and begin. I'm assuming that growing up in rural 19th century England her formal education would have been minimal. This could have been one of the reasons she pushed her children to get an education.

     I've added photographs to help you visualize the people she's writing about, although the photos are not necessarily from the year of the letter. Maud is her youngest sister and lived in Vacaville, California. As many of you may know her brother Percy had a drugstore in Topeka and I assume that's the reference to his wife, Jenny, and her mother bringing a meal to the store every day. As I've mentioned some of the letter is hard to read so I'm not sure how many times Bud had broken his arm. Bud had turned 14 in October so he would have probably have had time to break his arm that many times. Another word in the letter stumped many of us until Lee looked at it yesterday and said it was extravagant. So it becomes Christmas won't be extravagant.
Thursday, Dec 17
Dear Lilly and Jack

        I sent you a package of prunes by parcel post yesterday. I hope you receive them all right. Aunt Maud sent me 90 lb so just divided them up equal guess this is spelled wrong.

Fred, Laura, Lilly and Dorothy in 1917.

      I am getting better from my fall but sure have been a nervous wreck and have the hardest time to eat anything. Drink milk as much as possible but get so tired of it. When I realized I was falling thought well this will be the finishing of me. but here I am. But still feel shakey. Don’t do much of anything only sit around.


      Walker is studying his spelling. Don is as fat as butter but still has three double teeth to get. The weather is quite chilly. I feel the cold so badly. Have not been out for several days. One real warm day awhile ago Percy is walking along Bud broke his arm again – the 4th time. Jenny and Mrs. Thayer still cook a luncheonette for the store. Keeps them busy every day planning something new. Eula was up awhile today. she had dyed her winter coat. It looks real well. Keeps her busy trying to keep her family decent and covered. They are so large of their age. Our yard still looks nice. The leaves are about gone but grass is green and edge.
Frank and Eula Faust with their daughters, Mildred and Marguerite 1917.

      Did you get your bulbs. Got Edna to send them. Aunt Maud sent me quite a few. They are Chinese Lilly. Will grow in water, sand and rocks or dish only. But must be set in a dark cool place before bringing to light.

On the left, the Fausts, Frank, Marguerite, Mildred, then Edna, Bud, Allan, Jenny, Marcie, Bill Smith, EA and Ethel, a photograph from a 1919 picnic.

      Ada is putting the boys to bed. I usually go about 9:30. We are trying to plan for Xmas but it won’t be extravagant by any means. But it will be the spirit of Xmas. Ada made little mince meat.

At the left, Jim and Candace Sharpe with William Sharpe in front of their Hudson Super Six circa 1926.

     Uncle Jim and Can was here a short time the other. He was seeing about apples he has here in cold storage. Homer took his family and a maid for a three months trip in Texas, Arizona and California. He was driving Jim’s Hudson Super Six. He has not done much toward the making of the orchard but is getting the benefit. Well I will not envy him.

     Now do hope you are all well and getting all right.

     Lots of love, Mother

    Let me know if the prunes get there all right.
     I apologize for inconsistent formatting. Unlike Betsy Sharpe Walker I don't have the excuse of a lack of education. But I do have a lack of web page building knowledge.

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