Sunday, April 28, 2013

Morgans Shoot Pool - 1946

    As I remember Helen and Roy and Ray and Mary shared a two-story apartment building on 6th Street in Topeka shortly after Ray and Mary's July 1946 wedding. They also shared ownership or use at least of a movie camera. This snippet of film is of Ray's parents, Ray and Vala, shooting pool with Vala's sister, Helen and her husband, Wert. Ray, Jr., also appears so I'm guessing that Mary filmed this exhibition. It's hard to tell where they are playing. Steve, being older, may remember where there was a pool table, but I don't. The only pool table I remember was at the Burkhardts, but this doesn't appear to be their pool table.

     Below are photographs from the Jensen's apartments. The Morgan apartment was in the same building. The photos are marked as having been taken in April 1951. On the wall in the middle one, you can see a portrait of Chris who was born in March 1947.
To repeat the obvious, Helen taking in the latest news.5

A good time was had by Helen, Mary Jane & Lyle Vernon, Roy and Bill And Willie Furlong.

Once again, Roy and Ray relax.

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