Sunday, September 9, 2012

The 1886 - 1912 Scrapbook Continues

 Today is an assortment of photos from 1907. The one at the left I would guess is Edna's high school senior portrait. Its only label says 1907 and in 1907 Edna would have turned 19 in May.

Next is one from that same year - at least that's what it's labeled as.The white dresses and hats covered with flowers caught my attention. I wonder if they would be Easter dresses?

The next photo is anyone's guess. I don't recognize anyone in it, except the one guy looks like Nick Collison, whom I'm sure it's not. The only identification says Meryl Parks and he's not anyone I recognize. Gotta love the newspapers.

The final one for today has no identification except the year 1907. It's here because I like it's composition.
Edna, 18 and Ada, 13, in 1907.

Meryl Parks 1907 - why the newspapers?

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