Thursday, September 6, 2012

Mom's Notebooks

As you know Mary Grace put together numerous notebooks-scrapbooks they were originally-of her life, her parents, her in-laws, her children and grandchildren. What to do with them? That is the question.

Sally and I have decided that scanning them is probably the best plan. For the past few months, I've started doing that. Apparently so often, that even 3-year old Cameron says, "Don't you think you need to do your pictures?" I've shared a few of them, but I thought I should try and do it more often. Daily seems like an impossible goal, but maybe with Cameron's goading I'll get it done.

Mr. F E Vincent and his class in 1898. Edna is second from right.

Mr. Vincent's Class

Mr. Vincent

Edna on the end of the first row in 1900 so she'd be 12.
Included in the scrapbook is a thank-you note from Mr. Vincent to Edna for her visit while he was home ill. According to the letter he'd been absent from school for nearly two weeks. Considering that she saved the letter and photographs Mr. Vincent must have been important to Edna.She did teach after college until she married. It's hard to believe, but once she was married she could no longer teach. I guess the thought was that she didn't need a job because she had someone to take care of her. It was immaterial that she was earning more than EA.

Hope to be posting again soon.

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