Thursday, September 20, 2012

1921 Picnic

Visiting with Helen last Saturday at Morgan's wedding, I said I would post some pictures from a picnic in 1921. Helen's comment was they didn't picnic like others as they used skillets. I'm guessing to cook fried chicken.
Eula, Grace, Edna and Jennie-October 1921

More fun in the road.

Helen, EA, George Bale, Percy, and Frank Faust in October 1921
I couldn't figure out the fascination for standing in the road, but it makes for interesting pictures. One wonders if EA is aware that Helen is strolling apparently unattended down the road.
Bud Walker, Marcie Walker, Mildred Faust, Marguerite Faust, Allan, Ethel, Bernice Bale and Helen in October 1921. Seven of Betsy and Edward's eight Topeka grandchildren. Missing is Walker Smith, son of Ada and Bill Smith. Bernice and her parents lived in Clay Center. Also absent are the three children of Lily and John Leib who lived in Kansas City, Mo.

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