Friday, July 29, 2011


Baseball, on many levels, has always been a part of our lives. Dad's father, Ray Morgan, Sr., played on a semi-pro team until he broke his leg sliding into home plate. He never played with us, but his bat from his playing days was too heavy for us to lift. This picture of him and his in-laws was taken in 1928. It's as close as I've found to him and a bat.

The other picture is from 1951 as you can tell it was taken a long time ago. The fence hasn't been built and neither have the neighboring homes. As you can tell it was before I knew what to do with a baseball. There is probably some discussion as to whether I ever did learn.

This is a home movie that Mom and Dad took in June 1947 when they visited St. Louis. It's hard to see, but somewhere in the video is Jackie Robinson. They had traveled first to the Ozarks and then onto St. Louis in a car borrowed from Roy. In St. Louis they went to the Cardinals-Dodgers game, a golf tournament and the zoo. If this game's the one played on June 15, about two months after Robinson's debut, the Cardinals won 11-3. Robinson, who at that point played first, got two hits and scored a run. There is clearly a lot of scoring.

Now for the corrections of the above post. The golf tournament was the 1947 US open which was won by Lew Worsham in a playoff with Sam Snead. Also the baseball game was the Saturday afternoon game which the Cards won 5-3, but Robinson did score. I thought Saturday was a double-header and I knew Mom didn't like double-headers, but it was actually an afternoon game and an evening game. Now I've seen the tickets and the letter from the Cards telling them about their choices for the game - an afternoon game at 1:30 or a night game at 8:30. There's a second letter that says their tickets for the game will be available at the press gate under Dad's name anytime after 12:30. Mom didn't keep score so the scorecard is not filled out except for some writing by Dad which is hard to read. I remember her always keeping score, but that may not have happened until Steve started Little League.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the embed mom. I love that video, even though it's hard to tell which team is which. Thanks for posting it.
