Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ray Sr's Birthday

Today I was looking for pictures of Dad and his dad for their birthdays, yesterday and today, and found these of a trip the Morgans took in 1925.

Apparently Ray and Vala took a trip with Vala's sister, Helen and her husband, Wert, to Rocky Mountain National Park. Adding to the group were Dad and his grandmother, Edith McClenny. From a brief bit of Googling the distance between Topeka and Rocky Mountain National Park is in excess of 600 miles. Unfortunately I don't know my cars from the 1920s but from looking at the pictures, the cars don't have a lot of amenities - like windows or air-conditioning. Dad turned 3 in 1925 and as you can tell from one of the pictures he's already wearing glasses. That summer Vala would have turned 28 and Ray Sr 29. Edith was 59. Wert and Helen had married in 1923 and would have been 26 in 1925.

Having known a few of these people it would have been an interesting trip. All five of his traveling companions doted on Dad, sometimes a bit to his detriment. (Mary Grace would probably say, even at 3 Dad would have been in charge.) If I were to guess, Ray Sr and Wert would have spent a lot of time trying to keep peace between the two sisters. We do know that all survived the trip. The people did anyway.

I'm sure a good time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post. I love these photos. I've never seen anything like these.
    An unimportant item but one that makes me curious is the scenic shot of Bear Lake. I have a photo taken from about the same spot in 2005 and there are a lot more trees. I don't know if there had been a fire in the 1920s but it looks much healthier now.
