Friday, June 10, 2011

Dad's Birthday

Today Dad would have been 89 years old which he would have enjoyed. Cindy and I found this slide while looking for pictures for Sally's birthday. This was taken in 1969 and you can hear him telling Mary Grace to make sure she got both the plaque of Roy Roberts and The Star in the picture.

Dad and The Star were one in my mind. I can still hear, "Hi, Ray Morgan, Kansas City Star." Mom said he did that so no one would have questions about his identity. At some stages of growing up this was embarrassing, but we all survived. He worked hard at being a reporter and a father. Saturday mornings were piano lessons for Steve, Sally and me. He drove us to the lessons and then while one of us had lessons the others spent the time with him. We discussed how the Star should really be run, how much fun it would be for him to be governor of the state of Kansas and why did the A's send all their decent players to the New York Yankees. After the lessons we often had to go to the Star for something. Occasionally we'd meet Roy Roberts, the giant of a man who ran the paper. I'm sure these interactions with Mr. Roberts made Dad nervous. Mr. Roberts usually gave us a dollar bill which was great. Although apparently one time he gave one of us(probably Steve) a ten dollar bill. After that occasion Dad made us present our bills to him so he could make sure that nothing like that happened again.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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