Monday, June 20, 2011

More 1925 Colorado Trip

Now that Father's Day is over, I can get back to the 1925 trip to Colorado by the Morgans, Harfords and Edith McClenny. In my experiences with Dad he never seemed that comfortable around animals, but that could have been because he was allergic to most of them. But here at the age of three he looks very comfortable and in control on what I think is a mule. At first I thought it was a horse, but upon closer examination it appears to be a mule.

Edith and Helen look good in their knickers while protecting Ray, Jr. from falling from his mule.

Vala, Ray and Edith look slightly bewildered in the photograph of them standing next to the tent. In another photograph Vala had on a hat so it must be in her hand now. I also would venture to guess that everyone is dressed in khaki, very monochromatic.

The fourth picture is intriguing in the details. Kit Carson is about 200 miles from Rocky Mountain National Park. My guess is that this is the first overnight stay after leaving Estes Park. A 1923 Model T had a top speed of 45 miles an hour, but I would think their speed would have been at best 30 miles an hour. That would make this a 8-hour day. Also from the body language of no one sitting that close I'd say they were on the way home. It would seem a trip from Topeka to Colorado would have taken at least a week, maybe more.

But I like the details of this picture as it appears they are using cots for benches to sit at a long narrow railing. It doesn't seem wide enough to have been a true table. Even Ray Sr is sitting on folded quilts to be tall enough to be comfortable at the table. One of the Model T's has sneaked into the picture. In the background is a picnic basket, coffee pot, etc.

A good time for all.

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