Sunday, March 10, 2013

Snows a Few Years Apart 1948 and 1984

Continuing the theme of comparing events decades apart, here are two scenes of snow. The earlier one is Ethel and Edna plus Ann, Leon, Jean, Chris and Steve in the snow in 1948. From looking at weather records for Topeka my guess is this is probably New Year's Day 1948. The Winter kids were likely enjoying their first taste of snow since they lived in San Diego, CA.
The second is from November 1984 around Drew's and Chris's birthdays in Wichita. I don't know who filmed the snow in 1948, but the one from 1984 is done by Ray.
This last video shows Ada and Edna in the backyard of the Burkhardt home in Topeka in 1928. I've included it because I hope Helen can identify the woman with them. My guess is that it's their sister Grace, but I'd like Helen to let me know if that's right.

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