Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Images from Walker Home in Topeka

These images and the ones from last week's posting appear to have been taken in 1907. One of the pennants on the wall says '09. I'm still trying to figure out the why of the photos because they look like professional photographs, but I can't find any marks on them to explain who took them. I'm also disappointed that Edward isn't in them because he was still living at the time.

Scott wondered why there was a branch in last week's post. I zoomed as much as I could and it looks like balls on the branches. There's also a hatchet in the background so I'm assuming it's some kind of homage to Washington. Really I have no idea.

The top photo shows the books that the Walkers owned. In the 1915 Kansas census Betsy Walker told the census taker that they owned at least 200 books. No one else in that section of the census has that many.

Growing up a familiar tale was that the Walker girls married boarders, but according to the census forms I've looked at this 1915 census is the only one that shows boarders. By then Ada's the only one living at home and Bill Smith is not one of the boarders.

1 comment:

  1. I assume this is to see how clever your readers are, but you threw me for a loop when you wrote that the photos were taken in 1907 but the pennant said '09 although I now realize that it could be a class year so never mind. But the one I see has "O7" on it anyway. I am troubled though that the card on the wall has "KSAC", which I believe refers to the Kansas State Agriculture College that is now known as K-State.

    I was also curious by the odd shape of the top photo. Great photos.
