Monday, October 4, 2010

For Gussie and EA’s wedding on June 18, 1913 the Topeka papers carried both a story in the morning paper that there would be a wedding and then one in the evening paper saying that they did get married. Before the wedding there were two stories detailing the engagement. In one I learned that EA had attended KU to study electrical engineering.

In the picture at the left are from left to right: Bill Smith, later Ada's husband, EA's mother, Delphie Burkhardt, EA, Edna, Ada, Grace, Eula and Fred. Between Ada and Grace is Gussie's mother, Betsy. Gussie's father had died in 1911 so she was given away by her 14-year older brother, Fred. Two little girls are Fred's daughter, Lucille, and Lily's daughter, Dorothy. She's Laura's older sister. I'm assuming Lily is in the picture somewhere, but I'm still looking. Also not included in this photograph is her other brother, Percy. Although the woman with boy behind Gussie is Percy's wife and son, Jenny and Bud.

To quote from the articles: A very pretty home wedding will be that of Miss Edna Walker and Mr. Edgar Burkhart which will take place at 10 o’clock this morning at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. E B Walker, 1119 Polk street Rev Henry E Thayer [he’s Percy’s father-in-law] of Wichita, officiating. Mrs. Frank B Faust [Gussie’s sister, Eula] will play Mendelssohn’s’ wedding march as a processional for the bridal party and during the ceremony, “Flower Song” by Lang. the bride will enter with her brother, Mr. Fred T Walker, who will give her in marriage and will be attended by her sisters, Mrs. George W Bale [Gussie’s sister Grace] of Clay Center who will act as matron of honor and Miss Ada Walker who will be maid of honor.

Mr. Will Smith of Valley Falls will be the best man. Two little girls, Lucille Walker and Dorothy Lee [Leib] will carry a daisy chain to mark the path of the bridal party and the bride’s little nephew, Thayer Walker will be ring bearer. The gown which the bride will wear is of white duchess satin, made with draped skirt and bodice and trimmed in pearl ornaments. She will wear a bridal veil, caught in her hair with a circle of pearls and carry a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. Mrs. Bale will wear a silk veille with trimming of blue and white rosebuds and girdle of blue silk. She will carry pink sweet peas. Ada also wore an embroidered gown, but hers was trimmed in pink and a girdle The house will be decorated with palms, ferns and daisies. After the wedding a breakfast will be served on the lawn.

I'll try to put up the honeymoon pictures soon and if I can figure out how to scan in the sign that greeted them when they returned to Topeka, I'll post that.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Susan. This is all very interesting. We have the photo in our living room and I was never sure who everyone was. When you put the Polk address in Google it appears that it's a parking lot now.
