Sunday, December 1, 2013

Edna Walker and the Teacher

     These photographs from the 1890's have fascinated me for some time for many reasons. When you're growing up, your grandparents are locked in time when you know them. To your knowledge, they were never young, let alone children. It's hard to see the person you know as a grandparent in the photographs of them as children. At least for me. But surprisingly with the coming of grandchildren, you can then see your grandparents in these new arrivals. Looking at photographs of Edna, I can see Cameron's deep-set eyes looking back at me.
Edna Walker, front row, 2nd from right 1898.
Mr. F. E. Vincent circa 1898
     Mr. F. E. Vincent also fascinates me. These photos are a part of a series identified as Mr. Vincent's class. One in 1898 and one in 1900. For some reason I've thought that he was Edna's Sunday School teacher, but I can find nothing written on these photographs that indicates what his role is. The photographs are identified as Edna in Mr. Vincent's class. I guess I made the assumption it was Sunday School because it's only girls in the photographs and it covers more than one year. I've looked through census records and city directories. The Vincents I find worked for the railroads and are not listed as  teachers.

    There's also a letter that Mr. Vincent wrote to Edna after she stopped by with a friend to visit him when he was sick.

Topeka February 23 1900
Dear Edna –
How beautiful it was for you and Francis to come to ask how your old teacher is. While I have been sick I have thought of you all and of what you were doing. I loved my little maids so much that I expect to be always thinking about you my blessed little Edna. I am proud to have been your teacher. Some day you may have a class and I will tell you a secret. If you would have the love of your scholars, you must love each one of them. Then is the most good done, this is your reward.
Dear Edna, am sorry you could not come in when you called for I wanted to see you both. I couldn’t have done much talking, but I could have looked at you and it would have done me good. I feel tired today it has been just two weeks since I came home sick. Perhaps this letter is tired so I will stop. Give my love to all the girls. I will write Francis soon. Will write all the girls before long.
Always your friend, F E Vincent
1252 Topeka Ave
PS. Am better and will try to be up and out tomorrow.

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