Sunday, November 3, 2013

Berlin (Continued)

     On June 12, 1962 Ray and Mary each wrote letters to the other. The following are excerpts from those two letters.

     The General von Steuben
     Headquarters, United States Air Forces in Europe
     APO 633 USAF
     New York, NY

       They have kept us on a 24-hour-a day schedule since we have been over here although I must admit some of it has been spent seeing the sights. I am seeing so many things and taking a lot of movies I hope will give you all a chance to see some of the things when I get home.

     Mary Morgan
     6815 Flint
     Shawnee, Kansas


Steve played a game tonight and we sold pop.  They lost the game in the last inning 7-6 but we did real well with the pop.  Steve didn’t get to play for Mr. Glennon seems to leave in the team the whole game.  He didn’t seem very discouraged about not getting to play so didn’t mourn with him.

       We have a group with which to travel and all of them are interesting. So far, the man from the New York Times has got Ambassador Gavin of France and the commanding general of the seventh army upset over stories he has written.

         We are going to Topeka tomorrow and I thought I would get to bed early but I got busy doing things and am already late now.  Richard is going to take care of the livestock while we are gone and I have warned the bread man and the milkman.

Shawnee - June and July 1962

It was somewhat unreal to celebrate my birthday in the hotel in Neurenberg, Germany, after having flown by helicopter to the Czechoslovakia border and looking at the Russians from a concealed observation post with binoculars. This turned out to be a big 3-day holiday in Europe for Pentecost and Whitsuntide and everybody else was celebrating too.

We have to sew labels on the clothes for camp and pick up and new sweater Sally brought with her birthday money.  Mayola brought her down two white blouses to take to camp but I shall have to get them a small tube of toothpaste to take with them.  When we took the letters around about selling pop we saw Debbie VanBuskirk and she had just gotten a haircut.  She looked just like Susie.

Sally and Sue dressed for camp June 1962

I saw Al Bohling in Paris and he and I went out along with two others from the American newspapermen on the tour, Maynard Ashworth of Columbus, Ga., and William Morris of Augusta, Ga. Both of them are publishers and we had a real ball.
       We went swimming this afternoon a little early but the wind was nice and cold so they cooperated and got out in 30 minutes.  We tried to avoid the five-minute wait but managed to get there just in time to get a shower so we were wet but not in the pool.

  It still seems like a fantastic dream and I have to keep pinching myself to see if it is really happening. It has doubled my desire to bring you and the kids over here to see the sights. It is something never to be forgotten.
Despite all the activity, I have some lonely moments when I miss you all very much and you particularly, honey. I look forward to getting home to see you so much. I hope everything is going well with you and the kids. Give them all a squeeze and a kiss for me.
Mr. Shafto came up to find out if we had heard from you and Bill Shiverdecker was asking about you.  Jackie Crummet came back to get the questionnaire we filled out on the cheese bread we tried for her survey and we had a chat.  She and Brooks are leaving for New York tomorrow and then go on to the National Photographers convention.

We love you very much and hope you are having a nice time.
  With all our love, Med



1 comment:

  1. My Great Grandfather was Col. Maynard R. Ashworth. I miss him dearly and have since he passed when I was a little girl. I have been researching my family history and enjoyed finding that "Pawpaw" was mentioned in your blog.
    - Ashley Hickey Clark
