Monday, September 30, 2013

Grace and Edna Visit

Grace or Edna at the Pueblo Observatory.
     Photographs from Grace and Edna's trip in1908 to Pueblo to visit their aunt Ada and her husband, Morris Johnson. Grace and Edna were ages 22 and 20.

     The first one is of the Pueblo Observatory. It may be still in existence, but in my internet searches I can't tell for sure. But it may now be part of Colorado State University.
Union Station at Pueblo

     The next is of the Union Station at Pueblo. It is still there even though it was built in 1890. Pueblo Union Depot 
      (I added a photo of trains in case Steve looks at the blog).

     Speaking of Steve, he was instrumental in helping me identify the courthouse. I wanted to make it the capitol building in Denver, but Steve pointed out to me it was probably Pueblo.

Train waiting at the depot.

     The last two I believe are in Mineral Palace Park. Apparently Pueblo, to celebrate their prominence in Colorado and the world, built this large park, including a building to display minerals. Their fame was short-lived when a flood from the Arkansas River did major damage to the town. Apparently Pueblo never recovered from the 1921 disaster. The park still exists, although quite a bit was lost to Interstate 25. The town's palace, though was shabbily built and didn't last all that long. Pueblo History

Edna in front of the Pueblo County Courthouse

Edna and Grace relax in Mineral Palace Park .

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