Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Nearly a Century of Rehearsal Dinners

    Today, June 18, 2013, is the 100th anniversary of the wedding of Edna and EA. Some of my favorite photographs I've found are of their wedding rehearsal dinner. In my ignorance, until I found these photos, I thought wedding rehearsal dinners were invented in the 1950s because for me that was when things started.   But these photographs and movie film clearly indicate that these are not a recent phenomenon, and are at least a tradition of more than 100 years.

EA and Edna's rehearsal dinner in Topeka, 1913
    The first is of EA holding Bud Walker, sitting next of Jenny Walker. Next is Edna, then Ada and finally Betsy. On the back row is Jenny's brother, William Thayer and an unidentified man. Since it's their 100th anniversary, I've included another from their rehearsal dinner. As a side note, we used this photo for Chris and Stephanie's rehearsal dinner invitation in 2007.

    The video is from Ray and Mary's rehearsal dinner in July 1946. It looks like two different table settings, but I'm not sure.
Bucolic setting of Edna and EA's rehearsal dinner.

Morgans and Laffertys gather for the wedding rehearsal.
Chris and Steph at their rehearsal dinner in our home in Wichita, October 2007.
     The next photograph is technically not the dinner, but the rehearsal at the church for Cindy and George's wedding in September 1983 in Prairie Village.

     Chris and Steph at our home for their rehearsal dinner is the last photograph.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

More Home Movies

     In looking for film of the two Rays to commemorate their birthdays, I came across these little vignettes that don't really involve either Ray. But I found them interesting. Chris and Steve were born within months of each other, but there was a quite a size difference that first year.

    And then I found this one that was filmed at Christmas 1949. Steve appears very comfortable in his role as only child, but much to his chagrin his only child status was about to change. I think after all these years he has made the adjustment to having siblings. But as you can tell, he must have been quite shocked when his first sibling came along, to be followed by three more.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Getting in the Car - 1946

     Another video from the vast Burkhardt-Morgan collection that caught my fancy. I think it's winter 1946-1947 and the action takes place in front of Edna and EA's home. It starts out with Ray in an interesting plaid jacket playing with Jean Burkhardt's pull toy. Soon Mary Grace and Cokie dog make an appearance also playing with the toy. Everyone seems to be having fun with the toy except Jean. Allan shows up and smiles. While Mary and Helen have fun with the toy, Roy makes a running pass. Eventually after more hijinks everyone makes a formal procession. First in line are Helen Martha and Jean, then comes Edna and Mrs. Bissitt, followed by Mary, Helen and Roy and a woman I don't recognize. If Helen knows and lets me know, I'll add that.

     EA, who has clearly been filming, finally comes on stage.

     I will say Ray does most of the hijinks, even hiding behind Edna and making, I believe, the devil's horns behind her. Eventually some members of the party do make their way towards the car.