Monday, May 14, 2012

Bedroom 1913

In scanning photographs to share with recently rediscovered Walker cousins, I came across this one.

Its only identification is the date 1913 written on it. Below is the bedroom that was identified as being in the Walker home on Polk in Topeka and I don't think they are the same.

The photo at right was on a page with pictures of Edna and EA and Ada and Bill (grandparents of the recently rediscovered Walker cousins) from a walk to Topeka's Burnett Mound. With my detective skills I've deducted that it's EA's room, Bill's room or their room together. Continuing in this vein of detection due to the fact that there are two dressers I believe it's a shared room and let's say it's Bill's and EA's.

These snapshots of rooms fascinate -- in this one are pictures of President William Howard Taft and President Woodrow Wilson.Unlike their political positions Taft is on the left and Wilson the right. To refresh -- the 1912 election was a race between 3 candidates, Taft the Republican, Wilson the Democrat and former president Teddy Roosevelt. Wilson won with slightly less than 42% of the popular vote.Taft finished third.  The pictures of the walk are dated February 16, 1913 which I'm assuming would make this one of the same general vintage. And this is about three weeks before Woodrow Wilson took the oath of office marking the end of Taft's one term. Just a pure guess, but I'll say EA's the Wilson fan and Bill the Taft aficionado.  One fact is that Bill Smith ran for state's attorney general as a Republican in 1926, just 13 years later. I'm guessing it would be hard to go from a Wilson fan to a Republican in 13 years.

Another thing I was surprised to see was a typewriter. It's on the table, framed by the white bedstead. In my brief search of the Internet I couldn't find out how unusual that would be - to own a typewriter in 1913.

At the right are EA and Bill on that day, February 16, 1913 on their walk to Burnett Mound.

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