Thursday, July 2, 2009

We're back from the United Kingdom & I can now add to the blog. The following is a brief story of how we found the Walker Manor or Russia Hall as it is known. Through the family tree records that Cindy & others had collected, I found that Edward Walker was from Cheshire, England, although it may have been Wales at the time of his life. Through I found that he had lived in Tattenhall, Golborne Bellow, before he moved to Kansas. I was able to look at the census records from 1800s in England & to see that his brother continued to live at Russia Hall. The British census records are only available until 1901, but also through & other family records Cindy provided I could tell that Edward's nephew continued to live at Russia Hall through the 1940s.

Cindy had given me a picture of Russia Hall that Laura had. I scanned it in & tried to improve it a bit. I then printed it & took it with me. I tried searching for Russia Hall on Google, but all that came up was an antique store named New Russia Hall in the Tattenhall area. We went to that business and showed our picture to the proprietor and she said she had seen it and told us exactly where to find it. To me it looked like a generic English manor so I was surprised she could recognize it.

We followed her directions and were able to find it down to the mailbox with "Russia Hall" on it. It was startling to see that picture come to life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi - I was fascinated by your site as I think we may be related! My grandmother, Phyllis Walker, was born at Russia Hall in 1915. We live in Chester and there are still plenty of Walkers in the area.
    I left a comment a few days ago but am not sure that it worked so am trying again. I'll hope to hear from you and learn more about our possible connection,

    With best wishes and happy holidays,

