A note about finding relatives. Yesterday I was trying to track down some of the English Walkers and I was able to make a hit. To refresh, Gussie's father, Edward Walker, was the only one in his family to move to America. His one brother, Thomas, and his seven sisters remained in England. From items Cindy gave me that came from Laura Leib I knew that his sister Ann had had 2 husbands. It's noteworthy only in that I didn't have the first name or age of either husband. She had married a Younger and a Croston.Census and family records indicate that Ann was born in 1851.
Using that information and doing some preliminary searches I came across a William Croston. Adding William and assuming he might have been born in 1851 in with the fact that Ann had daughters named Lalla, Isabelle and Etta, I found the family in the 1891 English census records. But according to that record her husband's name was Samuel and he was born in 1837. Why making up a husband and his birth-date made it easier to find Ann and her daughters I'm not sure. Armed with this additional information I now know that Lalla married a Robert C Bruce in October 1919 in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England.
Adding credence to all of this is a picture in one of Gussie's scrapbooks of a Croston Younger wedding. In the back of my mind is some mention that Betsy, Lalla's aunt and her daughter, Ada, traveled to England for one such wedding.