Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Toast to Ray and Mary and their 1947 Crosley

Mary in the Crosley
Crosley ad

With Ray standing next to it, you can get some sense of how small it was.

My car was getting old that I had used teaching school and new cars were still scarce.  We had a chance to buy a Crosley.  It was very small, took little gas and it was like sitting in a cage with a sewing machine motor running.  At the Topeka Daily Capital the printers loved to hide [it] from Ray or just move it.  Sometimes it would be on the sidewalk in front of the paper.  Then it would be  in the lobby of the Orpheum Theater, which was next door to the newspaper.  My mother was sure we would hit a dog and have a wreck.  We paid a little over $900.00 for it but we put an ad in and sold it after a month and we got the full price for the car. Excerpted from My Life #5