Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mary Grace's Life

As you all know Mary Grace passed away on February 20 - I'm guessing much to her surprise and much certainly to mine. The following is from a card I received from a friend from college, Chris. I know many people have written nice words about her life, but I thought you all might be interested in another.
Susan – What a legacy your mom left you, your family and all who knew her. I always said that wonderful deadpan humor you have came from her. 
Even though I only encountered her a few times she made a vivid impression on me. I loved her no-nonsense approach to life and her ability to keep the most important things up front. Scott’s eulogy (which Karen sent to me along with some of her writings) brought back my first visit to your old house (including the bathroom door you couldn’t quite shut): there seemed to be a large trail of some sort of packing material covering the middle of the living room carpet, as if something very interesting had just happened. In fact the entire house oozed life and activity. My mother terrified into good behavior by her in laws, could never let any person in unless the entire place was immaculate (given that the possibility of panic attack was in abeyance) I loved the way your household ran with such easy going efficiency. 
And the books. We, too, had thousands of books, but the wide range of other cultures and wisdom made me envious. From Scott’s account your mom was a great reader.
I think only an original mind could have tackled life the way your mom did, dealing with everything she met in her own way, happy in her own being.
My best to you all.
Thanks to Chris for these kind words and now maybe that I've gotten through my first post since that event, I'll be able to go back to sharing odd facts and memorabilia from the family, Walkers, Sharpes, Burkharts, McClennys, Morgans, etc.